PROBLEM SOLVING FOR NESTLE'S MAIN CORRUPT ISSUE Some solutions for Nestle's company can implement to solve ethical and boycott issue: • Supporting WHO campaign in introducing complementary foods WHO recommends that infants from 6 months of age onwards should be given supplementary foods in addition to breast milk. Initially, offer complementary foods 2-3 times daily for ages 6-8 months, and 3-4 times daily for ages 9-11 months and 12-24 months. increase times. Nestle can instructed in their pakaging for their consumer know to to be instructed in right way. Around six months of age, an infant's energy and nutritional needs begin to exceed those of breast milk, and complementary foods are needed to meet these needs. Babies at this age are developing and ready for other foods. This transition is called complementary feeding. If complementary foods are not introduced or improperly administered by about 6 months of age, infant growth may be stunted. To ensure that the infant...